Tag Archives: dance

“Light” Video Chosen for Video Contest!

Philly Youth Media SLAM, flyer Great News! The music video “Light” that I shot & edited, and music by Jeremy Dean Harrison, has been chosen to be presented at the Philly Youth Media SLAM on Friday Jan 18th!  The event starts at 5pm, where video, audio, live performances (poetry, music, dance) and visual arts by youth will be showcased and the audience will vote on the best piece from three categories and prizes will be awarded to each winner. So come on out and vote for my video and see the media that is being produced!

Event Location: WHYY is located at 150 N. 6th street between Race and Arch.
Time: 5pm – 7:30pm Friday, January 18th, 2013
Free and open to the public

Join and Share the Facebook event: http://www.facebook.com/events/554892197857317/?context=create

Vote for “Light” & on the best media by youth!